Dynamics 365 Marketing

Dynamics 365 Marketing: Real-time vs. Outbound Emails

Dynamics 365 Marketing: Real-time vs. Outbound Emails

It’s no secret that the most innovative features today for emails in Dynamics 365 Marketing are found in Real-time Marketing, but are they better than what you’ll find in Outbound? We break down a few key differences (along with some tradeoffs) between the two designers.

Dynamics 365 Marketing: Moving to Real-time Marketing Q+A

Dynamics 365 Marketing: Moving to Real-time Marketing Q+A

Dynamics 365 users know it’s no secret that Real-time Marketing is where you can find the latest and greatest features Dynamics 365 Marketing has to offer. Ready to join the cool kids and make the switch? Start with these FAQs we’ve heard from clients just like you.